by Maxine Williams Bahr | May 26, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized
The Good Housekeeping definition pretty much tells us – it’s the fat from pigs, cooked and used as shortening in several kinds of
Few people use lard anymore, and the very mention often evokes unfavorable reactions – a shrug, a wan smile, or a wrinkled nose. Most cooks long ago replaced lard with more convenient substitutes or more healthy alternatives such as vegetable or olive oils. Today, this solid form of animal fat is saddled with a bad rap. Nutrition conscious eaters shun it for its devastating effects on our arteries; and though you can still buy preservative rich lard at the grocery, you’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who still supplies the fresh unprocessed version. Lard has become a four letter word. But for old time Smoky Mountain residents, lard was the grease that kept the wheels of life smoothly turning.
The manufacturing of real lard necessarily starts with butchering hogs. This was a time honored activity in the mountains, because nearly every farm had a few hogs. Pork, after all,, was the meat of choice of nearly every mountaineer. They left their pigs wander the woods most of the year, fattening up on chestnuts and acorns. After the first freeze in fall, usually sometime in November, they chose on or two the animals to butcher.
Usually on butchering day or the day after, the lard was rendered or melted. They cut it into small pieces about the size of a hen’s egg or smaller. These chunks were put into a big iron pot or wash kettle with just enough water to keep from sticking together, then simmered over a low fire. For those who might want a more accurate measure, one book says optimum temperature for thorough rendering should not exceed 255 degrees.
Lard had a few other hand uses around a farm other than cooking. Soap making was an important one. Wood ashes, preferably from hickory, were gathered in the hopper, and water was dripped through the ashes to produce lye. That was mixed with cold water and lard and cooked into a worthy “lye” soap. Lard had a few medicinal purposes too. Mixed with turpentine, it was rubbed on the chest to treat pneumonia.
Foods fall in and out of favor. Perhaps we moderns will someday again sing the praises of lard fresh from the pig. Maybe, just maybe…or maybe not!
by Maxine Williams Bahr | May 5, 2019 | Blog
Why buy a mountain home with a view? The answers are endless but here are a few thoughts…Incredible sunrises and sunsets highlighting the horizon with the most brilliant colors imaginable, fog mystically moving through the trees and lifting from the valley below, light green springtime oaks transforming into fall’s golden rays of sunlight streaking the Snowbird Mountains with incredible veins of gold, mother nature’s dramatic passing storms, glowing moonlight illuminating the forest, magnificent snow-capped peaks, panoramic mountaintop views spanning 360 degrees, shooting stars, lots of sunshine and crystal clear blue skies.
by Maxine Williams Bahr | Apr 28, 2019 | Blog
Recently the National Association of Realtors asked home buyers what features were the most important things when looking at a house and which of those did they get with the home they bought. The results are quite interesting.
Universal Characteristics: The average size for homes bought was 1,860 sq. ft. and the average year built was 1996. Not surprisingly, 79% had two or more bathrooms and 78% of homes had at least a one car garage.
The Luxuries Are Important: Of the 82% of buyers, they wanted central air (94% of them purchased homes with air). Walk-in closets were coveted by 65% of buyers and of those 68% got it.
The Heart of the Home: 56% of buyers stated that new appliances were a must and 76% of them got it. 50% thought an eat-in kitchen was essential and of those 89% bought home with that. Finally 42% wanted a kitchen island and 75% got it.
Making It A Home: It seems as though that within the first three months of purchasing 53% of all buyers make improvements to their new home. Of these first improvements, 41% involved lighting and 32% involved hardwood floors.
Buyer’s Regrets: Of all the buyers, 97% were somewhat to very satisfied with their purchase. They overwhelming stated that they would have paid more for certain features such as, central air (69%), new appliances (69%), walk-in closets (60%), granite countertops (55%) and hardwood floors (54%)
by Maxine Williams Bahr | Apr 18, 2019 | Blog
The home buying process is a life changing decision and it is full of moving parts. This is not easy and we at Southland Realty understand that, but we can help make it simpler. Every day, we help our clients find their dream homes but we also help them figure out how they are going to pay for and insure those homes. Southland Realty is in the unique position to offer our clients a full team of experts to help them through the process from their first search to getting them pre-approved to closing on time.
by Maxine Williams Bahr | Mar 28, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized
The temperature is slowly dropping and so goes the traffic of buyers or at least that is the belief of many real estate agents. Buyer traffic does drop off in the cooler months however; it has not been proven that the actual transaction volume drops by similar numbers. This is a matter of perception. We at Southland Realty believe that qualified motivated buyers remain in the market year round. From a buyer’s point of view, time and individual circumstances dictate when the home shopping process commences. From our point of view it is easier for the listing agent and the seller to sell in the offseason since there are fewer tire kickers, or nosey neighbors in the market. We would always prefer to deal with a handful of quality buyers than a glut of buyers that are a mixed bag of motivation and indecision.